Simplified Situation Reporting with DLAN
The Situation Report (Sit Rep) is essential for communicating the evolving status of an incident or event. Traditional manual methods can be tedious and time consuming, but DLAN’s time-saving templates and automated alerts make the process quick and easy.
Like other areas of DLAN, the Situation Report module works off of templates. Templates are a quick and easy way to configure default text within the report. They also standardize the type of information collected, making reports consistent across agencies. Administrators can even create question-based report templates to further simplify the process.
DLAN’s Sit Reps manages which agencies/roles are responsible for filling out which Situation Reports and sends out an automatic Email reminder when a user’s agency report is due. DLAN also includes the ability to export situation reports to Microsoft Word, edit it offline, and import it back into DLAN, allowing users to fill out their sections regardless of location or connectivity.

Situation Report
Once reports are completed, different versions can be generated for different internal or external audiences.
By automating many of the tasks traditionally performed during the situation report creation process, the time required to create situation reports is greatly reduced.
Many of our current customers have further simplified the process by adding a Situation Report Builder Status Board with a side panel including instructions on how to fill out the necessary forms.
Other Helpful Features of the DLAN Incident Management Software
Simplifying Situation Reports is one of the many ways that DLAN Incident Management Software helps your team follow FEMA’s Incident Command System (ICS) for emergency response. DLAN also includes an Incident Action Plan builder, role-based task management, and asset tracking. Request a demo today to see all the ways DLAN can help you prepare for, respond to, and report on emergencies.
Request DLAN Software Today
Contact us today to learn more about our DLAN software featuring the Situation Report module; we'll be able to answer any questions you may have. We also offer demos of the software to try it for yourself.