Custom Engineering
With over 40 years of experience, BCG is long standing engineering firm with a history of excellent customer service and cutting edge products. Our talented team is committed to expanding our client's business capabilities while becoming a trusted partner for their future growth.
Software Engineering
BCG offers a complete line of custom software engineering services including embedded application development, PC-based application development, and web-application development.
Hardware Engineering
In addition to offering electronic design solutions, BCG has the resources to manufacture, assemble, and test third party devices and products. We are capable of developing prototypes, as well as small and large-volume production runs. Our engineering staff has experience in digital/analog circuit design, printed circuit board layout, electronic assembly, FPGA development, embedded systems, and cabling.
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
BCG is an experienced GIS developer of integrated, web-based solutions for a variety of industries. Since 2004, BCG has been providing ESRI based GIS platforms that integrate with both BCG software solutions and third-party platforms. Our broad range of GIS expertise allows us to offer innovative, customized solutions to meet the specific needs and goals of our clients. You can find more information on our GIS solution for incident management here.
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