DLAN's Incident Command Software Offers Interoperability & Integration
BCG is not just a software vendor, it is an engineering firm with decades of experience in custom engineering projects. BCG is part of the certified Microsoft Developer Program and currently employs multiple teams of full time software and test engineers who are ready to meet your integration and interoperability needs.
BCG works to ensure that DLAN is able to communicate with the tools our clients rely on for their day-to-day and emergency operations. Unlike competing incident command solutions, interoperability is built throughout DLAN, including GIS mapping format support, communication protocols support, import/export capabilities, data format support, browser support, and mobile device support. DLAN follows NIEM and NIST guidelines with common protocols and standards for meaningful information exchange available without requiring external servers or third-party plug-ins.
For interoperability options and integration features not already included in the software, BCG's team has the experience necessary to provide custom integration services at a reasonable price. In fact, if the BCG team feels that a requested customization will be beneficial to other customers, it may be developed at a significantly reduced cost or at no cost and then provided to all customers with a current maintenance & support package.
BCG will not just install its software in a vacuum, but will ensure that it is fully integrated into your systems and workflow to facilitate improved day-to-day and emergency operations.
Communication Center Module
The Communications Center is specifically designed to fulfill all user-to-user or system-to-system communication needs. All daily or emergency communication is covered out-of-the-box, from internal messages and broadcasts to email and external message feeds.
BCG Mass Notification
BCG provides mass notification as a standalone service and through DLAN. Notifications can be sent through:
- Alpha Pagers
- CAP 1.2
- Fax
- Phone
- Private RSS
- Reverse 911
- RSS Feeds
- SMS via SMTP
- SMS Priority
GIS Premium Module
DLAN's GIS Premium has many interoperability features including the ability to read in and export the following types of files and services:
- Aeris Weather
- Aloha Plume
- AVL Trackers
- CAD data via Email or custom API
- ESRI ArcGIS services
- ESRI online services
- Excel
- Gridmetrics
- Mesonet Services
- Shapefiles
Other Tools for Our Incident Command System
In addition to these services, DLAN's ArcGIS Sync tool allows users to take any Ticket Manager or Watch Command report and instantly convert it to a feature layer service on ArcGIS online. This means that tickets tracking shelters, damages, donations, resources, road closures, and other work items can be sent to ArcGIS online in real-time as they change in DLAN. Any information included on that report (including any geographic data from addresses, coordinates, points, lines, and polygons) can then be instantly shared on ArcGIS online as layers in Public Dashboards, third party COP viewers, and other types of systems.
System to System
All DLAN systems are interoperable with each other, allowing ticket and data fields to be directly sent from system to system. DLAN can exchange information with any other system that utilizes common protocols for communication and information exchange such as CAP, EDXL, and IPAWS.
DLAN has a built-in XML data transform engine that allows BCG to do custom integrations and message interoperability quickly and with less expense than many other solutions can offer. For more information on interoperability features, please contact us.
Single Sign On
DLAN’s Single Sign On tools allows for federated Identity Providers to easily be utilized to setup default permissions, roles, access to content, access to data, and other settings within a user’s account. DLAN supports federated authentication through Active Directory Federated Services, SAML based services, and LDAP based services such as Active Directory. Any mix of these types of accounts can be utilized on the system at the same time.
DLAN provides full or partial support for the following Claims / Identity Providers:
- Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS)
- WS-Federation based IdP’s
- Shibboleth 2.0
- SAML 1.0 and SAML 2.0 based IdP’s
Try Our Incident Command System
Contact BCG today to learn more about our incident command solutions or to request a demo.

IPAWS - April, 2017
BCG successfully demonstrated our IPAWS Alert Origination Service Provider (AOSP) capabilities in a technology webinar hosted by the FEMA IPAWS Lab. To Learn more about the program please read our full release.
Emergency Data Exchange Language (EDXL) Data - March, 2014
DLAN utilized its native integrated EDXL-RM and IPAWS capabilities to communicate effectively in an Regional Logistics Program demonstration for the NY-NJ-CT-PA Region.
Coalition Warrior Interoperability Demonstration (CWID) 2011 - June, 2011
Testers found the messaging portion of DLAN to be a "straight forward application that is easy to learn and easy to use."
National Incident Management System Supporting Technology Evaluation Program (NIMS STEP) - October, 2010
DLAN was found to be consistent with all 24 NIMS concepts and principles, including emergency support, hazards, preparedness, communications and information management, resource management, and command and management. For more information please see full report.