Energy & Utilities


Energy & Utilities Emergency Management Software

Our Incident Management Software (IMS) does more than help your team prepare for and respond to emergencies; it also improves daily operations. By combining pre-planning and emergency response tools with those needed for monitoring daily activity and ensuring regulatory compliance – our DLAN software provides a unified platform for improving overall operational efficiency. Our IMS will help your team save time and money by digitizing and automating current processes. It also provides overarching real-time situational awareness to all key staff regardless of physical location and includes all the reporting tools necessary for after-action reporting.

With our software, businesses in the energy and utilities industry will be able to lower recovery costs and restore services as soon as possible.


Operationalize Emergency Plans

Our IMS will not only allow you to store your plans digitally but will also allow you to turn them into actionable workflows. Our question and answer-based ticketing tool guides users step-by-step through each of their assigned tasks. It also helps executives quickly see how tasks are progressing with customizable reporting tools and color-coded statuses and priorities. Scenario-based notification templates help you alert your staff and activate an appropriate emergency response plan with just the click of a button. The role-based checklist acts as a reminder of a position’s responsibilities and guides team members through their response tasks.

Our intuitive interface makes it easy to track progress, document the key steps taken, share situational awareness information with stakeholders, maintain a common operating picture within your organization, and report on key metrics.

Operationalize Emergency Plans

Status Board

Visualize Data

Custom dashboards, reports, and maps allow your staff to take complicated data and visualize it for improved situational awareness and decision-making. Data can be incorporated from multiple outside sources and displayed in a unified view. These dashboards can be shared with outside agencies to coordinate response efforts.

When one of our utility customers wanted to place increased focus on creating visual guides for its users to ensure their choices are in line with corporate processes, they were able to use our system to do just that. Using role-based and task-based dashboards instead of a typical menu interface, they were able to get a very streamlined process and simplified user interfaces. For more information, please see the full Toronto Hydro Case Study.

Improve Daily Operations

Integrating our IMS into your daily operations will help keep your team prepared. It provides many tools for daily operations including: work order management; event logging; social media monitoring; email monitoring; news and weather monitoring; document sharing; user and role activity logging; and communication continuity. It also provides a common platform for task, resource, and information management and can be applied to various types of needs and workflows.

Improve Daily Operations


Learn More About What DLAN Software Can Do for Your Energy or Utilities Company

Learn more about how our DLAN software solution can help your business in the event of an emergency, and in your daily operations. Contact Buffalo Computer Graphics to learn more, or request a demo to try our software for yourself.