DLAN Emergency Management


Emergency Management Software for Disasters

BCG has extensive experience developing and deploying Incident Management Software designed for Emergency Operations Centers (EOCs). Our Disaster Management Software (DLAN) is designed specifically to meet the needs of emergency managers. DLAN was originally conceived and designed as a joint project between BCG and Erie County, New York Emergency Management and Services personnel, and it has continued to evolve with the input of DLAN's many emergency management clients.

Since its release in 2002, DLAN has been successfully utilized for multiple large-scale incidents, as well as planned events and daily EOC operations. When your community relies on you, you can rely on us! Contact us for more information or request a demo.


Built for ICS (Incident Command Systems)

The Incident Command System (ICS) approach to emergency management is the framework for all areas of DLAN. In fact, DLAN is the only Emergency Management Software to have completed full NIMS-STEP testing to ensure that FEMA considers it compliant with both the technical and methodological standards for an Incident Command System. DLAN includes ICS forms, Incident Action Plans templates, Situation Report templates, and after-action reporting tools. DLAN also supports Canada’s Incident Management System (IMS).

All BCG DLAN staff, whether technical or subject matter experts, have significant experience in emergency management and have been trained through at least the ICS 400 level. Our subject matter experts include Fire, EMS, and Emergency Managers who have experience in both field and EOC operations. BCG also provides on-site support at EOCs during large scale incidents, supplementing permanent EOC staff and providing just-in-time training.


Built for ICS

DLAN Status Board

Built for Daily Operations

Integrating DLAN into your daily operations will help keep your team prepared. DLAN provides many tools for daily operations including: work order management; event logging; social media monitoring; email monitoring; news and weather monitoring; document sharing; user and role activity logging; and communication continuity. DLAN also provides a common platform for task, resource, and information management and can be applied to various types of needs and workflows.

Duty Officers often use our Watch Command module for daily operations. From within the Watch Command tool, users can quickly monitor external data, make actionable decisions based on that day, instantly create tickets in the ticketing system regarding that data, and begin the pre-event work of triaging and responding to information prior to a full-scale EOC activation.


Emergency Management Built for You

DLAN is an extremely intuitive and easy-to-use system. Familiar data entry methods, responsive design, and consistency in look and feel ensure that users only need a short amount of training to gain proficiency. BCG models the way people interact with the system with tools they use every day like email, social media, instant messaging, and other mass market applications.

Our emergency management system, DLAN, utilizes numerous tools to facilitate rapid and accurate data entry. These include but are not limited to pop-up menus, pick lists, and auto-fill options. Additionally, system administrators have the ability to modify the values on pick lists and define which fields are required for validation. Users can easily sort information by fields and create customized reports to display just the information they need.

