PCRDP - Furuno Emulator
The PCRDP is an emulation of the Furuno RDP-149 Radar Display and is one of the more recent tools added to the Buffalo Computer Graphics' (BCG) family of successful PC based radar simulators.
PCRDP is a Windows-based application which emulates a Furuno small boat radar display on a PC monitor. It is a powerful training tool used to familiarize a student with the use of radar for ship or boat navigation. The radar image incorporates realistic simulation of landmass, moving targets, precipitation, sea clutter and other video effects as seen on the real radar; while the radar operational features include radar video controls, dual EBLs and VRMs, multiple presentation modes, graphics capabilities and range scaling. For ARPA support, PCRDP provides target acquisition and tracking, leading vectors and history trails, trial maneuvers and navigation points. Target track data is also output via the serial port or through a network connection using NMEA-0183 format.
Furuno Radar Training Emulation
The PCRDP user interface models the Furuno RDP-149 Radar Display, and was designed specifically intended for small boat and shore based training applications. PCRDP was developed using BCG's industry standard radar simulation engine, is compatible with BCG's Maritime Simulation Tool (MaST) and may be used in conjunction with our PCS-300 radar simulator. The emulator is available in a software only package ready for installation on a customer's PC, or BCG also offers "turn key" systems packaged in multiple configurations including a shock mounted chassis for shipboard use, or a desktop / laptop PC for classroom use. BCG has added AIS capability as a component to PCRDP. Another optional feature is a Virtual Steering Control (VSC) allowing a student to navigate his/her Ownship with controls located on the same screen as the radar presentation. Contact BCG for information on both options.