Electronic Charting
Buffalo Computer Graphics is able to connect to most Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS) or Electronic Charting System (ECS) to provide our customers with the ECDIS/ECS functionality needed to meet their training requirements or budgetary limits. The Maritime Simulation Tool (MaST) application generates the required NMEA sentences to place and control vessel's movements through an ECDIS/ECS training scenario, it supports AIS messaging for target identification, and can produce target track messages normally generated by a ship's radar. This simulation capability allows the student to operate the ECDIS/ECS in a fully functional manner . The MaST coupled with our radar stimulators (i.e. PCS-300) can provide radar overlay for the ECDIS depending on the specific manufacturer.
Please contact us to discuss your specific electronic charting training needs.
Electronic Charting