Cyber Threats - Are you prepared for When (Not If) the Cyberattack Comes?
Protect Yourself with DLAN Software from Buffalo Computer Graphics
The latest data shows that there are approximately 2,200 cyber-attacks per day in the United States alone, (that’s an attack every 39 seconds). And these numbers continue to increase yearly. In response, organizations in the USA and Canada are preparing for cyber-attacks as they would for any large-scale disaster, such as a weather event, geological event, or other unforeseen disruption to critical infrastructure, health and medical systems, and financial and transportation systems How do you plan to handle short and long term outages?
By the time you find out a cyber-attack, you are already behind on your response. Cyber-attacks are no-notice incidents; you will have no warning. Cyber threats escalate quickly, and response time cannot be squandered on tasks that could have been easily completed beforehand, such as having a pre-planned response on deck, or having gathered contact information from key players. Lack of familiarity with response plans and procedures also slow down responses. This is where DLAN comes in.
DLAN facilitates the identification of all-hazards threats and vulnerabilities such as cyber-attacks, through risk assessments and situational awareness visualizations that can serve as an early warning system of a potential attack. DLAN is your central nervous system that connects to all your pre-planning information that your team needs to respond to a cyber threat event. Ready-to-go templates and comprehensive incident response plans are pre-built for critical decisions and triggers.
Once an attack is detected, DLAN is used to immediately alert stakeholders, operationalizing the response process swiftly.

Respond & Mitigate
DLAN facilitates the triage and prioritization of incidents based on their severity, impact, and urgency. Incident response teams can quickly assess the potential consequences of each incident and allocate resources accordingly. Incidents involving critical systems or sensitive data are prioritized to receive immediate attention to minimize damage and mitigate further risk, making it perfect for cyber-attack responses.
DLAN helps organizations implement data recovery and restoration procedures on data lost or corrupted, while you focus mitigation efforts on the critical assets in your jurisdiction most in need. This situational awareness can identify where to focus local, state, and federal resources, while educating those in the affected areas.
DLAN is essential for organizations to recover by facilitating incident documentation, analysis, business continuity planning, data restoration, system recovery, infrastructure remediation, communication with stakeholders, continuity of operations and continuity of government, compliance, lessons learned, and ongoing monitoring and threat intelligence. By leveraging DLAN, organizations can effectively recover from cyber-attacks and strengthen their resilience against future threats by constantly improving and getting better.
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Contact Buffalo Computer Graphics to Learn More
Learn more about our DLAN software and how we can help you prepare for a cyber-attack. Contact us for more information or request a demo to try the software for yourself.