DLAN 11.5-11.5.4: New Features

DLAN developers have been busy creating new features and improving current functionality throughout the system. DLAN’s 11.5 – 11.5.4 releases include exciting updates to our Asset Tracking, Streaming Video, Ticket Manager, and Communication Center modules. These include new reporting and customization features, as well as features to improve speed and ease of use throughout the system.
Asset Tracking
Improved reporting features for Asset Tracking now include expanded column options and quantity totaling. Expanded asset cloning now allows users to easily move similar assets onto to multiple tickets at once. Additionally, asset stockpiles can now be split among multiple tickets using the new Asset Splitting feature. Finally, for GIS Premium users, assets can now be edited directly from the map. These three features save time and speed up data entry when working with assets.
Streaming Video
Custom layouts can now be created in Streaming Video. Layouts are easy to create, allowing for Status Boards of video content to be quickly created. Additionally, reporting is also now available in Streaming Video. As with other modules, reports are easy to create and fully customizable. Finally, category filtering has replaced the older folder structure allowing for improved organization and searchability.
Ticket Manager
A new quick editor feature in the Ticket Manager allows you to make changes without having to load the entire ticket. This quick editor is smart enough to take you directly to the tab that you want to make the edit on when you click on a specific hyperlink. For example, clicking on an incident lands you on the Incident tab. Additionally, mass editing feature in ticket manager has also been improved to allow for quick mass changes.
Communication Center
Enhancements to the Communication Center improve readability and speed across the module.
New reporting features in the Asset Tracking and Streaming Video modules coupled with increased customization makes it easy to view the information you need. The new quick editor and other improvements throughout DLAN make the system faster than ever.