DLAN Regional Implementation: Broome County Use Case
Broome County (NY) Office of Emergency Services recently expanded their DLAN system to allow municipalities to access the system to work on their own local incidents. This means the Broome County DLAN system now allows municipalities to work on incidents independently and share information with each other, while also being able to escalate to the county level as needed.
The idea for this project was influenced by how the State’s NY Respond system is able to integrate with Broome County’s DLAN system. Broome is able to use a single click to transfer information with the State, which means they do not have to reenter tickets or reinput other information into the State system when they need support, saving them time and money.
Regional Workflow
Michael Ponticiello, Director, Broome County Office of Emergency Services, notes, “we wanted to make sure municipalities had the ability to handle and track incidents at a local level, that didn’t necessarily need county support, but also had the mechanism built in for them so if they did need county support they could easily put it into our workflow to address.”
Recently, Broome’s regional workflow was successfully used to manage a Christmas flooding event. The municipality was able to utilize the functionality of DLAN for a localized event without needing any help from the County. If County assistance had been needed, they could have easily sent requests from within the system without needing to duplicate efforts.
One piece of advice Ponticiello offers to others trying to implement a similar rollout is to “really think about the workflow both on your side and their side and keep it as simple as possible.” If you focus too rigidly on what works best for the County, the municipalities might not find the system useful for their own incidents and therefore won’t use it, but you also need to think about how to escalate from the local to county level when needed. Buy in is key to a successful implementation.
The County intends to build out regional use by expanding resource sharing for all municipalities through DLAN. The County would like to see resources shared among municipalities in addition to being shared between the County and municipalities. They would like municipalities to be able to find resources that may be available locally using DLAN’s resource database and asset tracking functionalities. As the County and municipalities continue to use the system, they will continue to build out workflows that help the municipalities to work independently, as well as with the County and with each other.
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Broome County
Broome County is located in New York State’s Southern Tier, directly north of the Pennsylvania border. It has a population of around 190,000 and is the home of Binghamton. The Mission of the Office of Emergency Services is to provide planning, training, resources, response, warning, coordination and information through communications to the public, elected officials and public safety agencies to assist them in preparing for, responding to and mitigating emergencies and disasters which affect the residents of Broome County.