New DLAN 12.0+ Brings Updated Look and Major Module Enhancements

With the release of DLAN 12.1, BCG is pleased to announce the formal release of the DLAN 12.0 system to its customers. DLAN’s newest release includes an updated look and feel for major areas of the system, as well as numerous module enhancements.
The most noticeable DLAN 12.1 changes can be seen in the fresh redesigns of the Ticket Manager, Watch Command, and Assessment modules. All three modules have been enhanced with new responsive interfaces that better support mobile usage, powerful new report generators with advanced filtering options, and new alert settings that make it easier to see changes that impact your role.
Ticket Manager
Additionally, the redesigns include improved integration into dashboards, automated creation of GIS layers based on user driven reports, and new statistical views to allow you to more quickly identify the status of various tasks. Taken together, these changes vastly improve the capabilities of these modules.
Also central to DLAN 12.1 is Communication Center’s new Rule Engine. Designed to help users quickly triage important emails, the Rule Engine allows users to setup rules keyed to particular senders or embedded with particular content. Once created, these rules define how content of that type will be handled when posted to a ticket, including allowing for matching emails to be automatically posted to particular incidents, routings, and ticket types. These capabilities give watch centers, duty officers, and other staff a better way to deal with the deluge of intelligence that is received on a daily basis.
Communication Center Rule Engine
Leveraging new Streaming Video dashboard building tools built earlier this year, DLAN 12.1 adds new features to the Streaming Video module that allow for buttons and labels to be hidden when viewing camera feeds on a status board. Additionally, DLAN 12.1 brings built-in support for Skyline Webcams to the module. This integration adds numerous live video streams from around the globe to DLAN’s already robust video streaming services.
Finally, DLAN 12.1 also includes additional enhancements to other modules. These include new filtering options and quick notification options within the Phonebook, additional AERIS Weather premium content for use within GIS Premium, and new My Profile field to communicate critical security information such as failed login attempts. Combined with the other tools in 12.1, these features give user’s more power to control the information they view within DLAN, make task management more efficient, and improve overall situational awareness.